Thursday, September 24, 2009

Four storms

I learned about all this stuff on the internet over the past five years. I don’t watch the latest popular TV shows, or go shopping much, so I’m not in the loop when it comes to more popular discussion topics. So it can be a real drag for my family and friends when I happen to change the subject to what I want to talk about.

I get various reactions when I bring these issues up in conversations. A few people get it. But more often, people probably wonder to themselves: "Nothing’s different around here. If something were really wrong, everyone else would know. What is she talking about???"

I am talking about four storms of collapse approaching on the horizon:

Climate/Ecosystem Collapse,
Natural Resource Collapse,
Financial System Collapse, &
Political System Collapse

These issues are reflected in news headlines every day. For instance, scientists have been warning about rapid climate change for years. As nothing has been done to reverse the problem, crisis timelines are being shortened, and so their warnings are becoming more shrill.

Peak Oil, peak minerals, and peak fresh water depletion implications are being discussed in all sorts of government planning reports and studies, including by the US military, and of course on internet doomer blogs.

Financial jeopardy in the current banking system has been in the headlines daily since last November and the crisis has now expanded to threaten the rest of the world economy with another Great Depression.

Political change of leadership often follows economic disaster. We've seen this recently in countries such as Iceland and Japan. This is only the beginning. Trends experts are predicting widespread economic hardship and political revolutions not seen in centuries.

Some authors are comparing our American situation to the fall of the Roman Empire, or to the American and French anti-monarchist Revolutions, or to the recent collapse of the Soviet Union.

So far, the mainstream media is still focused on the kabuki puppet political theater [i.e. what dirt some rightie said versus what dirt some leftie said] in order to get both political bases riled up about such diversions. Therefore the media would lead everyone to believe, once again, that ‘nobody could have foreseen’ these crises. But there have been warnings all along from very perceptive analysts in all these fields of study. Plus we’ve all heard [on the so-called “history" TV channel, in popular books, and movies] similar warnings drawn from some extremely unusual sources...such as religious apocalyptic literature.

From Judeo-Christian bible quotes and ‘codes’; to sectarian traditions such as Roman Catholic Fatima prophecies; to middle ages sages’ [Nostradamus /Michelangelo /DaVinci] writings; to American protestant ‘left behind’ end-of-days novels; to ancient Mayan calendar ‘predictions’; to New Age astrologists’ interpretations of planetary movements: they all seem to agree that at this time we are on the precipice of some epochal changes.

Personally, I don’t put my trust in these pseudo-faith-based assertions about my future, but I do find their prophetic commonalities very intriguing. They all seem to be confirming what many meteorological and social/political scientists, whose logic I can more easily follow, have been extrapolating about our future.

They all say that we have reached the end of an epoch with varying dire predictions for the aftermath. What comes after may be a total surprise. Are we ready for it? How do we want to handle major societal changes: with grace to help each other, or with divisive rage against The identified ‘Other’? Other usually means foreigners; those of different race /class / gender /political party /religion; hungry neighbors; or needy strangers. What social conditions would determine which path we take? And can we do something now, whether personally or collectively, to help create the conditions which would favor our own best behaviors in such circumstances?

1 comment:

  1. gylangirl, nice blog. Most people still don't get what's coming. They sense something isn't quite right, and hear of other people's problems. But most people still have a job or income/savings and aren't yet severely personally affected. They're busy with work, their kids, buying stuff with credit cards, hobbies and vacations, and don't take time to research about the four approaching storms. I try clueing them in, but they don't want to listen. Yes, they are going to be surprised and shocked at the aftermath.
